Total Environment Learning to Fly


This is a new featured project from Total Environment builders. It is in a central location and obviously pricey. But, I have always been impressed with TE quality. I have looked at their other projects such as Magic Faraway Tree, which is too far from my work, Pirsuit of Radical Raphsody which hasn’t even started. I am considering this project since its good from a location standpoint. Before I put in my money, I wanted to get some expert opinion on the property.

1. TE is known to delay their projects a lot – what should I expect in this case?

2. Is it priced correctly? It seems to compare well with other properties like Adarsh Premia, Sobha dewflower, etc.

3. The project is on a 4 acres of property surrounded by individual houses. Is the location good and desirable?

4. Any opinion on future resale? Will there by any takers?


Category: Tags: asked August 4, 2014

2 Answers


Hi ,

We have done a review of this project and can really provide valuable inputs regarding your queries related to this project.

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Total Environment has completed its Learning to Fly tower and is now launching a new tower, Pursuit of Radical Rhapsody Tower 5. In this new design, the company is pursuing the innovative idea of having trees in terrace gardens. Specifically, each garden in the L30 and L45 apartments features a tree, thanks to a specially developed tree tub that allows for trees to be planted up to the 27th floor.

Thank you

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