Purva Venezia
Would you please provide a review of Purva Venezia project. At this time, the builder is quoting between Rs. 4000 to Rs. 4100 psf. Is this a good buy in terms of rental income, as well as capital appreciation given a 3-5 years time frame? Are there any environmental hazards nearby like factories, which might pose long-term problems? What about the water situation? Will it be better to invest in a waterbody side apartment or Agriculture college facing apartment? Are there any other properties in Bangalore, in the same budget, which might be a better investment? Would it be prudent to go for an apartment here or to invest in a plot in a layout? Your opinion will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
1 Answer
Dear Sir, The project is good buy in terms of an end user perspective but not a potential buy for an investor; for the project is in its completion stage and currently interior works for most of the apartments are in progress. If you are looking at investing in project which can reap benefits at a later stage (say 2-3 years) then you should definitely look at investing in a project which is under Pre-Launch / Launch phase, by the time the project nears completion the appreciation on your capital would be a good number (15-20% or more). For more details on the upcoming projects and potential investment opportunities in Residential and Commercial sectors, you can reach me at : 9986647674.
Shabeer Sait,
Irshads Property Matters
201, Copper Arch, #83, Infantry Road,
bangalore – 560001
Mobile: 9986647674
Web: www.Irshadsproperty.com