List of builders AND PROJECTS with proper OC


Hello fellow buyers,

Been searching for a apt for the past few months and totally disillusioned with builders not providing OC. As I understand, it is THE most important document that you will never have.

All other documents can be verified and obtained before your hard earned money leaves you but this beastly thing called OC depends on your luck.

I am trying to compile a list of builders AND PROJECTS in Bangalore, where the builder has provided a proper, legally verified OC.

Since everything is in order and you have no fear, apart from new buyers harassing you :), please leave your ph number or email id so that genuine buyers can contact you. Any other info that establishes you as a genuine owner and not a builder’s rep will be greatly appreciated.


This list is for me as well as fellow buyers.





Category: Tags: asked March 11, 2014

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