Basic amenities vs Luxurious amenities



Im a first time investor, i have a basic question.

While choosing an apartment should one incline towards an apartment which has very basic amenities like lift,car parking and security. Or One which has Tennis court,badminton, Children’s play area,swimming pool ?

Is it worth to spend almost 10 lakhs or 2-3% extra on amenities which we rarely use ?

Do this extra land play a role in undivided land share ?

Thanks in advance

Category: asked May 2, 2014

1 Answer


I am also at the same crossroads..

I personally do not find merit in going for a project which has relatively less living space and more space for amenities. It is a good style statement to make and might work in your favour if you want to charge a premium for rentals…but if you plan to stay there…most of the times these amenities are crowded out and you hardly get to use it. Paying close to 10 -15 lacs more doesn’t make sense (to me at least)!!

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