Apartment Hunt



I am looking for an apartment in the Whitefield / Sarjapur Vicinity. After much deliberate search, I am thinking of deciding between below three properties:

1 – Mahaveer Willet

2- iSHA Misty Green

3- Asset Alcazar

I expect to work in the Whitefield area again (currently abroad). Can somebody shed some light on this projects? Which would be the best investment and also easy to rent on possession? I am mostly be out of India for 2 years.

Also Mahaveer Maple / King’s place on my radar but seems expensive? Please do help 🙂



asked May 23, 2013

3 Answers


Hi, I have already booked a flat here (Isha Misty Green Whitefield). I request you all, who have booked their flats in this, let us form a social group on facebook or at any social website and lets share our comments/suggestions on that, so that everyone should be in loop. This will help all..

My Email ID:
My Contact number: 8553952136

Please let’s get in touch regarding the legal verification and any other hidden things ..


Here are the links for Isha Misty Green Projects:



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