Bhartiya City Demands 25% from customer’s pocket without Banks Involvement.


Some strange things about BHARITYA CITY – NIKOO HOMES –

1. They want 25% of money without banks involvement. God knows how are they going to hide this 25 % transactions from Government.

2. You will not get Sale Agreement even after paying 25% amount. Only god knows how much time they are going to take for processing this.. or will they process??

3. They are not even ready if customer pay 15 % cash and take help of Post dated cheque for 10 % till the time Sale agreement processes with the help of bank’s pre approved loan amount.

4. Many people have cancelled their booked unit due to Bhartiya’s misguidance and some customers are going to file a case against Bhartiya in Consumer court.

5. Just wanted to know how are they going to hide this money from Government /Income tax department.

They are not ready to invlove any financial institution WHY?

If they disappear OVERNIGHT then what will happen?

asked April 27, 2013

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