Buying a Flat in Nishant Prime Whitefield


I am looking to book a flat in Nishant Prime in whitefield..Can someone throw some light on this project?

asked April 1, 2013

51 Answers


Hello Kaushik,

The builder says that CBA is approximately 78% of SBA. I considered & calculated it as 75% since I wanted to set my own expectations from Day 1.  Yes, that’s one of the biggest advantages of this project. It does asks you to pay 15% (that too excluding the VAT & Service Tax which has to be paid in actuals at the time of registration) of the total cost towards an agreement. You will require paperwork verification between the time you book a flat and get into an agreement post the verification. Thanks.


I did answer but somehow they were not posted in the portal. CBA should be around 78% of SBA as per the builder. I have considered it as 75% though. 15% down-payment is one of the biggest advantages of this project. It does give flexibility & time to arrange money till the time you actually register the flat.


Thanks, Abhishek for talking to us. You provided us some great information. Please let us know what your decision is.


I had started this thread and would like to bring this to a logical end, at least from my side..I had booked a flat here and verified the papers with my advocate..The advocate suggested some changes  in the agreement to protect my interest but the builder has politely refused to accommodate all the points after justifying points from his angle..The flat-sharing agreement is not registered and this is a mutual agreement between the developer & land owners..OC is a remote possibility for this project (For me, I was mentally prepared for this though)..Anyways, the final verdict is that I am not going ahead with this project..This is my personal opinion and I would ask all not to be biased on my opinion..I know people who have called off the deal at this stage and I know people who are still going ahead with this project..It really depends on the lawyer/advocate you are consulting with and your own risk-taking appetite in dealing real estate situations..Personally, I am totally & utterly disappointed since I was very close to my dream home in Bangalore but it seems the search has just begun for me..You can still use this thread for discussions on this  project..We, people who are not going into this project can look into alternative projects and let me know (mail id : ) towards a collective group discount !!! After all the pursuit to happiness has a long way to go !!! All the very best guys !!!


Hi Abhishek, Thanks for the information. It is really helpful.All the best to you for the pursuit of happiness.


Hi All,

I was also about to book a flat here in this Apartment but cancelled it at the last moment, the reason was builder’s admission that he will not be applying for an OC and hence will not be getting it. I was not comfortable with that and hence withdrew at the last moment. Just thought to share it with you all.



Hello Guys ,



I am still intrested in it only issue IC& OC ,,i spoke to my lawer regarding this ,,,as per him most  “B  class” developer would not be able to provide these certificates if u really want then u have to pick out of some big names .

Here i am looking those guys who have already booked & looking positivelly in it so can exchange our contact & will be in touch .




Hi Guys

Earlier I was in hurry hence could not give the reason as to why due to the lack of OC I withdrew from the project. I agree with Prasoon that most of the lawyers suggest to go ahead with a project if it is from a “B” class builder because most likely we are not going to get OC from these builders..

However I withdrew because during my investigation I came across “PCRF issue” in yashwantpur and to cut a long story sort 400 out of 1500 apartment residents in the mentioned apartment complex have been asked to evict the campus because apparently they dont have an OC. Just google it and you will find it, its there at facebook also where a coomunity has been formed of the residents and they are fighting tooth and nail to save their apartments. and this story took place in March 2013.

Also, what ever lawyers say, when you recieve the document and check one of the BBMP reciepts , inside there are many points in terms & conditions one of which is , ” No one should occupy the building unless armed with OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE.”

From my point of view the inclusion of this very line in TnC puts us at the backfoot and if at all things go wrong the same lawyer will plead helplessness believe me.


Anyways that was my viewpoint, thought about sharing it to you all , rest wishing you a happy home hunting. 🙂


Thnx Sunny ,,usefull & eyebrecking info …i browse the PCRF issue/Blog ..seems builder has wrongly occupied BDA scpae & so on …but hats off to those guys who unite & put their points strongly against builder & BDA authorites ..probably credit goes to FB posts.

Now come to this Nishant prime or other  B grade builder ,,,situation gonna be same now or then ….

Some one intretsed in plot sharing !!!!




welcome Prasoon,

I just wanted to share the info which i recieved, agreed that buildings won’t be simply erased but the problem created by BBMP/BDA why to fall under them if we can avoid them in the first place.

There was a lady who booked in first week of March in PCRF and got the eviction notice in march end week !!!! now why to take such risks if we can avoid them in the first place


Hi All, I am alos planning for a site visit on 8th if this month. Is there anyone from this group who can help me to understand this project.


Hello All,

Looking for people who has already booked flat or its still in their considerration , wanted to form a “GROUP ” for future prospects .

I can be reached @ .






Hi everyone….

I am interested in buying a 3 bhk but have few doubts…Everything looks ok..but when i spoke with builder …he is telling that at the time of possession he will be giving the OC certificate. He also said that he will apply for it through some other channel.

Please share your valuable comments….


Hi All,


Please let me know if any one booked flat in Nishant Prime near white field.





Hi People….Please Let me know your Opinions…Whether i should go ahead and book in Nishant Prime…Despite of the fact that Builder will not provide the legal certificates Properly.

Quick Reply from you guys will be appreciated


Hi even i an=m looking to buy a flat in same, if any one is planning to visit the site can email me @ , we can go together .



Hi All, Please let me know if any one has booked Nishant. I have also booked this last week. Please share any comments to .


Guys i am in great confusion regarding this project. When i visited the site today and asked the Builder about proper legal documents( CC & OC)….He totally denied it and said that he will not give any of these certificates in future….He told that they are very frank to customers and dont want to make false promises……Can anyone help me with this


Yes, I also showed my interest initially but upon interaction with the builder, I came to know that they would not take any responsibility for issuing OC. One of the main reasons why I dropped the idea of booking the flat here and purchased from a different builder in Whitefield after doing complete legal verifications.


Hi Ash_new,

only Tier 1 builders like prestige,shobha,manti,nitesh will provide ( CC & OC) letter  and tier 2 and 3 builders will rarely provide these certificate. I have cross checked with most of the builders and they are also not providing these certificate. CC & OC Certificate means if a builder deviates the plan more than 10% then they are not going to get the ( CC & OC) certificate. Most of the builders will deviate the plan from 15% to 20% with Pent houses.



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