keerthi surya shakti tower



Has anybody booked in keerthi surya shakti tower & if interested let me know .

I’m interested in this project

asked March 4, 2013

29 Answers


I am interested in this project , currently any body else is also interested  into this project. Do drop me a mail


Hello… I am interested too.. can anyone give more details???

Is it bank approved?? SBI?

Has anyone booked there yet?? they have a pre launch offer on i belive??

The construction (foundation / footing) of Surya shakti (B-Block) has started (since it was bank approved alredady) Keerthi (A-Block ) still foudation work not started..

Is it a good builder???

Completion earlier they told march 2015 now its already become July 2015.

Also the payment terms are too harsh.. they are asking 40% payments Just in 3 months from booking amount..

Please get in touch..

Please let me know…


If anyone booking.. we should go together to the builder to discuss the payment terms.. Please let me know..


I am also interested in this project.Please email me your number on .  I spoke to the builder this morning and they are quoting 4100 ,which I think is on higher side,but we can form a group and try to negotiate.




I am also interested. Did anyone book yet ?


I am also interested in booking a flat here. Please let me know if someone interested in group booking. I am on a finalizing state. However if someone has any inputs on the property, builder please keep posted.

I am reachable at


I also visited today by 2pm and met to Mr. RamaShankar and discussed about the price as it’s bit much. He also gave the option to give some discount if we go in group. By the way we are three person, so if we visit together then sure we can expect good price as they will also not miss group booking. So that will be better if we go in group.


Today 20 June 2013 – we two people booked together and got a discout of 25 Rupees per sq feet. You can try to bargain more.. They will definately not want to miss 3 bookings 🙂 .. All the best.

They are officially launching the project on sunday 23rd June (have a lunch party invite ) I assume prices will increase after that, so Hurry !!  Cheers


22 June 2013 – Hi RahulSharma1987 – They have increased the price to 4250/- Now, I am expecting the prices to go upto 6000 /- by the time the project is completed. Very good investment option.. Let me know if you too have booked. get in touch. Cheers


Hi All, I booked an apartment with them yesterday, however the representatives told me that the numbering of Tower B starts from 1 series and not zero series. (Tower A 003,005 are ground level, while in Tower B 107,108,104 etc are ground level). any one booked there and can give clarity? They ave increased priced to 4250/- however negotiable by at least Rs75/- easily. reach me at  if anywants to give or take information 🙂


25-Jun- 13 Congrats Anujs82, You should have contacted me before. I could  have got you a better deal 🙂 …. You can visit site negotiate and come back get in touch with me for better deal than what they have negotiated.


Thanks Bhavana, we connected. i have booked in Block A at what i consider to be a decent deal. Anyone else who has booked an apartment, please let us know. i can be reached at

Hello – We are doing bulk booking on Friday (5th July) the best price Also some cash benifit.
P.S: looking for 5 bookings. The more the no of bookings the better the price.
Do let me know.

Hi Bhavana, can I know the final price u booked for?


@Prashanth – Thanks for enquiry. however i have mentioned my email ids and would request you to get in touch if you are really interested in this project. There should be no harm in enquiring just before filling up the booking form (you can negotiate with them at the table and just before filling up the booking form contact me to know how can you benifit)

We are booking with them as and when the buyer wants to book through us and benifit.

All The Best – itjobzone@gmail


11/Jul/2013 :Hi,I am interested in booking a flat here.

Can someone please share the current price they are quoting and the margin of negotiation possible?

Anyone who already booked a flat here, please confirm if they have all approvals in place?



Hi ,


I am very much interested to buy a flat here. Is there someone else too looking ahead for booking it here. We can go for a group booking and get good discounts. Please let me know asap.






We have  booked a flat in A block in March 2013.

Is there a group for people who bought in this property, i would like to join that.




Hi Sn, yes in group they tell that you are most welcome. But as per our(We are two friends) experience as they have less availability as well as fair number of bookings they are getting. They are not giving any huge discount to anyone, today again I talked to one marketing guys from Keerthi Surya Shakti, but not much discount he is ready to give. Yeah, but in terms of transparency they are really good, because we both went through with the documents (that we saw through one friend who already booked) it was same as they communicated. Even in terms of payment, progress and project legal status is also correct.  You can get in touch with me on please share yours also.

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