nitesh long island Plot Purchase


Hi I am prasad and recently visited the nitesh long island. I am interested for a plot over there. But i would like to know few information 1) Is it a Gated commmunity?
As i can see on their plan N-207 crossing their property.
2) Does this proprty is BIAPA aproved lay out and legaly correct.
As many people raised this issue before (on this group chat )
3) They have BIAPA Phase -1 /2 /3 release plots. Which phase is the best options to go for with bank loans
4) Does the Land owner has to pay the maintance money after land purchage
5) Does anybody shown the documents with any lawyer and also verified originals at their office ?
6) If somebody cancelled any plot……how much Nitish deducted from booking amount?

asked August 10, 2013

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