Query Regarding NGT Ruling May4 2016

I have a following query:
I have been following recent developments regarding NGT judgment made on May4 2016 on Bellandur Lake encroachment.
As per the May4 2016 ruling by NGT:
In the case of Lakes, 75m from the periphery of water body to be maintained as green belt and buffer zone for all the existing water bodies i.e. lakes/wetlands.
As you would already know that on April20 2017, BBMP has withdrawn its circular laying out exemptions from the buffer zone ruling of tribunal , more specifically for projects which had already received plan approvals before the buffer zone ruling.
I have bought a project in Bangalore recently(Sale Agreement not yet done). Project distance is 30m from lake.
Can you please throw some light on this order as I am confused if Order is retrospective or prospective?
Also, can you please tell me if what precautions i can take or what question I can ask to Builder regarding this?
Category: asked May 21, 2017

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