Shriram Chirping Woods



I am considering Shriram Chirping woods (apartments) for investment. Any idea of whether the builder is reliable in delivering projects on time and in quality. Also the builder insists that the property is a one of a kind from Shriram group in terms of luxury segment. Is the price of 5200 psf justified.




asked December 29, 2013

33 Answers


Builder is not as supperb as shobha/purva/salarpuria/Brigade. But has done some good projects. You can give lower CAT-A ranking. The project seems to long time taken one. Any idea how much is final negotiable price?


I have bought it at 4800, looks like now they are asking for 4900. I am also little nervous as they are other option like Divyashree. Hope this project will do good.





Hi Praveen,

You said its for investment. ya definately the location is good. But the question is PSFT price, isn’t that higher than market price at the current scenario. Dont only see the builder reputation. you are paying extra 20% for their brand image. Why, look at newer projects like RBD Stillwaters, SNN builders or SJR bluewaters…. they are located 2-3 km away from Chirping woods. But their price is quite 1000psft lesser than.they were quoting 4200psft. Look around & decide.

For your reference Find RBD Stillwaters @ below link:

Apartments: Dont pay the builder for their brands. You shud see the location & layout n Construction quality & finally possession period.

For me the above buider seems to genuine, wherein I got the chance to meet the MD, Austin Roach there & his CEO gavin very informative & would respond professionally…. he  is a genuine builder…also they have clear plans to complete the projects.This is one projects…also check others in the same location SJR Bluewaters is also there but their projects is delayed too much, same SNN…but for investment look for better prices inbetween 3000-4000psft. I booked in RBD stillwaters @ 4000 psft 6 months back. now I believe quoting4250psft.

All the best


This project is in an excellent location compared to RBD, etc.

However, when I checked, the plans themselves were not ready. They were talking of rearranging the blocks, etc. Meaning they don’t have approval yet.

5200/sft for pre-launch is rather pricey, I think

They will get everything done surely, but don’t go by timelines. What use are timelines when even the plan keeps changing.




Is there any date that the builder is committing for the launch of this project ?



Hi All,

I had pre-booked an apartment in Dec 2013 and they have delayed the launch by sweet 6 months.

It seems the project will be launched in July 2014 – soon. Does any one know what is the legal status of the land and plan approvals ?

There is a water stream connecting the two lakes, which passes through the project. It seems the builder is going to cover it. Is it legal ?

Any help/info regarding the project will be of great help.

Thanks in advance,





Hi Harsah/others,

Could someone please reply to my above questions ?






Today I visited Chirping woods and booked a flat. I am fine with approach to the property and it distance to ORR. Is there any litigation to the surrounding properties?

I could see  the BDA approval in the site office, but I am also concerned about the drain connecting two lakes. I am not sure if it is ok to cover it ? Surely it could be an issue to deal with.


Please let me know what is best price to book Chripping Woods? I want to book 3 BHK


Hi ,

Did anyone go for the amalgamated option i.e joining the two apartments into one here ? also anyone who has done the booking go through the legal checks ?


Please give me a call if anyone has booked in Shriram Chirping Woods recently and needs to go through the legal checks . We can do it jointly .Thanks . Shibaji 8095078432.


Hi All

The launch now seems to be shifted to Sep 12.Its a delay of atleast 6-8 months which is worrisome. Most of the sales guys who were involved in the product launch have now left. We have a larger discussion on in the Google groups for owners. Anyone who hasnt become a member there, please apply for membership.





Praveen, Please add me in google owner groups, my gamil id is , cell no is – 9448012019, I booked 3 BHK.

Pavan Jain





Is there any update on the Launch date?



Hello all
Please be careful . I recently visited. I think the project is flouting norms like anything. Wonder how it is able to get approvals for the project. The following are issues I see

1. In order to offer a premium offering of vila ment and penthouses in a low rise building, the construction already started. They are offsetting the reduced FAR ratio in vilament  by building more floors in high rise apartment, showing this as single project( apartment + vilament)

If we take the FAR of apartment alone it shall be way above the permissible limits. I think it should be more than 3. Though its debatable as overall FAR is well below the 2.25.  But there are restrictions in building height for high rises.

The FAR limitations are in place for a cause to give better lung space and better amenities ratio and safety. Why not build more floors on vilament and give more lung space for apartment.

2. High rise apartment of more than 15 floors in a 18 meters road is not permissible as per the building bylaws and fire safety norms. The building should not be more than 45 meters in height. Typically at 14-15 floors.  But presently its 55 mtrs for 17 floors and they are still pursuing with authorities to get 23 floor plans.
If one see in this article it clearly says     The  max height of building should be (1.5 X width of road + open space )
Its difficult to get 24-25+ floors on 100 ft road. Surprised how they are getting 24+ floor on less than 50 ft road.

3. The project has 3 different land parcels with 2 NALAs  dissecting though it. Still FAR is calculated on the whole project of 15 acres. No way they are interconnected . How does BDA approve the development plan.

Anybody with basic knowledge of norms , is able to identify these flaws. Still BBMP and BDA is approving the project.

If my views are wrong, please do correct me.I am interested to know.

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