Soul Space Arista adjacent to Soul Space Arena (Total Mall) on Doddanekundi Outer ring road


Hi, I recently came across this project on Doddanekundi outer ring road adjacent to Soul Space arena Total mall, These builders are quite reputed, they were in construction sector for around 35 years (Partnered with Manthri, Prestige and other top notch builders) and got in to real estate development couple of years ago. These are the builders who build Total Mall @ Doddanekundi and Bangalore central @ Sarjapur junction, So builders seems quite capable and experienced. They are quoting 4650/sft, probably negotiable by a 100 or so. Location of the project in My view is fantastic. I just want to know more about this area/builders before going ahead for booking. They are saying that already 50 flats out of 135 are already booked and price will go up by another 100 in a month or so. Please give your candid feedback about the area/appreciation potential and stuff. One last update, these are the builders who are constructing Embassy Prestine which is priced at 5500/sft with quite similar specifications

-By Raju


(Note: the following question had to be reposted by me as it was asked during the migration of this blog to a new host)

Tags: asked June 2, 2012

6 Answers


the current asking price is 4800 psf…they claim to have a carpet area of 80%…is it a good investment?


Did you go ahead and book in this project ?


Yes, I went ahead and booked the project, I felt the location of the project is very good and so is the builder!!


Folks, I just booked a unit in Soul Space Arista. If you have also booked in SS Arista, plz join the group that I have created for us to interact:!forum/ss-arista

Provide the flat-number that you have booked to join. Look forward to seeing you there!




Megha Goyal,

I have send you a mail. please check and revert back.




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