Tekton Estate: In City Project reviews




What are the reviews and price for Tekton Estate: In city project. I have booked a plot/villa with Tekton Estate at there In City project, (13 kms from ITPL, I work in ITPL). Also, how is the area appreciation projection. Please share any info. Thanks




Tags: asked January 28, 2013

4 Answers


Hey Guys, dont belive in this guys, they say off whitefield but they will take you guys to hoskote, and also i have received a very wrong and negative feedback of there last company, some by name ZENON. which they have closed after cheating many people.

total wrong decision, not don’t go for it


Dear All,


Dear Mr.Govindraju , Ramaraju,  Manjunath


I can reveal what you people are and how you do the business – how you interact with people initially and then after taking money. After being 2.5 years of most suffered consumer. I can explain better about Tekton Estates and Zenon and previous closed companies and your background.


Now I will not stop and request people to mobilize and come forward at-least with Anonymous names like me so that other’s will not suffer the way we did – we have information to exchange and then why not quote in internet and create awareness about these malpractices.


Mail me : for my name , details about how I got victimized and suffering still.


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