Did you know 21st June is World Music Day? Feta de la Musique which translates to Music Festival originated in France in the eighties and is now celebrated across the world with musicians performing in public places like Parks, Cafes, Museums, Train Stations etc.
World Music Day is gaining popularity in India as well with various artists reaching out to their fans through live events as well as over social media.

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If you are a music lover then on World Music Day how about finding your Music Quotient, many of us would have heard of Intelligence Quotient and some of us would know of Emotional Quotient, but here is a quiz to find your MQ, your love for music! Just choose a Genre of Music and answer few questions to get your MQ Score.
Challenge your friends and find out who has the highest Music Quotient.

The quiz is brought to you by City of Music, India’s first music inspired township, a great way to connect with yourself through an art form that needs no language, Music.
Nurture your love for music at City of Music, the place to be for music lovers, where the fountains dance to music, gardens that sing and you get to soak some sun at
a guitar shaped swimming pool, visit the the in-house recording studio to practice or the open concert area to perform.
Let your next vacation or week end be laden with musical notes & instruments.
City of Music is brought to you by Nirvana Realty
Take the quiz now to find your MQ – MQ Quiz by CoM
