Launch of Ask, Answer & Discover

Announcing the launch of Ask, Answer and Discover a simple Q & A section to get answers to your real estate questions. With this section you can get an answer to your question from me or the several thousand visitors coming to this site.

Q & A - Preview

Questions: Keep them precise, Specify a correct title,  Use appropriate tags. When you get an answer you will recieve a notification email, if the answer is right then please accept it.

Answers: Again keep them precise, provide references if needed, avoid statements based only on your opinion

There are also reputation points which you can earn (or loose !)

• 15 points when your answer is accepted
• 2 points for accepting an answer
• 10 points for getting an up vote on your answer
• 5 points for getting a up vote on your question
• -2 points for down vote on your question/answer

Soon the top 5 users will be featured on the home page (I am working on it…)

To prevent spam and to ensure the quality of questions, answers and voting you will need to Login/Register before you can ask/answer or vote. Registration is simple and the site asks you for just a username and an email address.
This is not a replacement to the comment system active for each project post where you should still ask the questions related to that project but a section where you can ask other real estate questions in general.
Since the site uses Google Analytics, I will also post questions using which users landed on this site and for which I think there was no straight answer. Those questions will have (Source: GA) mentioned.